
Palo Santo Wood

Priscilla Chong

Aromatherapy Workshop with Afternoon Tea

Priscilla Chong

Aromatherapy Workshop with Afternoon Tea

芳香下午茶 Aromatherapy Workshop with Afternoon Tea🌷市面上的精油琳琅满目,我们该如何去挑选呢?如何分辨精油的纯度?想知道更多适合自己的精油配方吗?🌷我们诚邀您与Healing Garden的芳疗师Priscilla,在Three Journey芳香舒适的氛围下,一边品尝精致美味的下午茶,一边学习精油和芳香疗法,体验一个不一样的周末吧!工作坊内容:🌿学习12种植物精油的属性与功效🌿如何正确使用精油🌿学习调油技巧、精油配方🌿亲手调配一支属于您自己的复方精油您将会得到:🌸一份Three Journey精美茶点和一杯花茶🌸一瓶亲手调配的10ml德国Oshadhi复方精油🌸芳香疗法笔记适合人群:🌼初学者/无需经验🌼想了解更多关于芳香疗法🌼想学习如何放松身心📅27/10/2019 (Sunday)🕑4pm-6pm📍Three Journey Cafe (Cheras Traders Square) 早鸟价:rm158 (到15.10.19)原价:rm188二人同行:rm350报名热线:Whatsapp +6011 29149996 / Walk-in / PM线上报名: 注:小班制分享会,让您轻松自在地学习,会以先付款为确认名额。  

About Aromatherapy

Priscilla Chong

About Aromatherapy

1-Inhalation: Aroma of the Roll-On through inhalation, is more for the lungs & respiratory system. Smelling is more for the brain & our psycho-spiritual & ‘emotional’ system. 2- Did you know? Natural aromas can help improve performance & capacity to remember, and they can make you alert or relaxed and change your mood! 3- Essential oils have an effect on the brain via two routes: olfaction & skin absorption. The olfactory bulbs, which are just above the top of the nose & are actually a part of the brain, extend from the ‘limbic system’. It’s the home of our emotions,...